Aaron LePage’s Legolas Greenleaf Lord of the Rings Cosplay


Let’s face it: Legolas has never looked this good (outside of Orlando Bloom’s portrayal, of course!). Elves are supposed to live a long time, which means a longer prime, which in turn means that Legolas is still looking fine even after J. R. R. Tolkein brought him to life in 1954. Aaron LePage’s cosplay is closely aligned with its source material, incorporating a wig that doesn’t look cheap and a costume and prop bow that appear to be of equal quality. The only difference between LePage and Bloom is that LePage is a happier Legolas, smiling whereas Bloom rarely smiles in the movies. That said, a smile is never a bad thing. Legolas is one of those characters who could use a bit of loosening up on occasion.


Cosplayer : Aaron LePage
Character Name : Legolas Greenleaf
Series Name : The Lord of the Rings
Comments : A star shines on the hour of our meeting!
Country and State: U.S.A. Colorado
Photographer : My wife


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