Becky Oh’s Azula 2.0: An Avatar Cosplay


I was never really into Avatar as much as Legend of Korra, but Azula is a great character. I really wish she would’ve made a return in the latter show, but you can’t win them all, I guess. What I like about Becky Oh’s cosplay is its more imaginative qualities. To elaborate, I don’t recall Azula wearing something exactly like this, though many of her outfits are remotely similar. Still, this costume really exudes her character. The long sleeves and rich fabric highlight her royal roots, and the Fire Lord crown is a lovely touch. I don’t recall Azula ever getting to wear the crown in the series (maybe I just missed the episode), but she totally should’ve because she was the most worthy—this cosplay rectifies that, making me a very happy fangirl. Also it’s worth mentioning that Becky Oh won Best Individual Novice at Magic City Comic Con for this. Truly kickass.


I won best individual notice !! #mccc #magiccitycomiccon #azula #cosplay #azulacosplay #avatar #avatarcosplay (at Magic City Comic Con)


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