Toph’s Toughness


“I love fighting. I love being an earthbender, and I’m really, really good at it.”

Toph Beifong is an earthbending master, one of the most powerful of her time, and the discoverer of metalbending. Blind since birth, Toph was constantly treated condescendingly because of her disability, particularly by her overprotective parents, Lao and Poppy Beifong. Upon discovering badgermoles, earthbending animals who were also blind, she learned how to use earthbending as an extension of her senses. This gave her the ability to “see” every vibration that passes through the ground.

She may be blind her other senses are much more sensitive than ours, specially when feeling the groud. Our cosplayer today followed the traditional clothing of the average people who lives in the Earth Kingdom with loosed green sleeved dress and topping it up with a cream colored dirty white vest. I sepcially love how the cosplay portrayed this very Toph like attitude, the fun, strong and bragging tough instead of doing some cute poses just to say it’s cosplay.

TophWhei is a fresh and talented cosplayer with a great talent for both modelling and tailoring her costumes let’s at least support her by following her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and DeviantArt


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