Captain Nikki_Haze Hoists Her Flag


Arrr, picture this, matey! A fierce lass, standin’ tall as the captain of her ship, with a tricorne hat sittin’ proud atop her wild, wind-whipped hair, like the sea herself gave birth to ‘er—it be Nikki_Haze!

She’s donned in a corset, darker than the deepest depths of Davy Jones’ locker, buckles glintin’ in the moonlight, glarin’ like treasure waitin’ to be claimed. Her boots thud on the deck with the sound o’ authority, each step a threat and a promise of adventure. She commands with the confidence of a true sea devil, one hand always on the wheel, the other clutchin’ a bottle of rum like it’s her lifeblood.

Captain Nikki_Haze ain’t lookin’ to parley—she’s lookin’ to plunder!

Captain Nikki_Haze Hoists Her Flag

Captain Nikki_Haze Hoists Her Flag

Captain Nikki_Haze Hoists Her Flag

Nikki_Haze writes:

Im Nikki Ive been on MFC about 4 years now and Im the happiest I have ever been in my entire life! I love the outdoors and also love to travel when I can. I have two fur babies that I get to enjoy being home with during the days. Most of all I enjoy spending my time online during the nights with you all. As far as room rules I just ask that everyone is respectful to each other and to me as well and you will receive the same respect.


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