Charliexjade’s Sexy Poke-Battles


Charliexjade brings a nice challenge in her stream where she wears a top and a short skirt, all in black, with a pair of stockings that have an eye-catching design that make it hard for me to decide where to let my eyes rest.

Do I stay admiring the slight underboob from her top? The alluring qualities of the skirt and stockings? It’s certainly a challenge to make a decision, but I welcome it.

Oh, and she is also playing Pokemon and battling who I think is Scyther with a Kadabra and a Charmeleon, who try their best to…OMG! Charliexjade is getting up to give us the full view of her outfit!

Hang on…oh, yes. The pokemon game she’s showing is also…Now she’s using a magic wand as a microphone while her top is folded up a little bit more!

I guess that the sexiness of Charliexjade’s show, much like her Charmander did before it became a Charmeleon…is evolving into a more powerful version.

Charliexjade’s Profile:

Username: Charliexjade
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Favorite Food: I love it all! Sushi, Indian, and of course.. PIZZA
Pets: 2 old kitties


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