Nekobeanxo Celebrates Her 8 Year Cammiversary With Some Classic Star Wars


Watching the original Star Wars movie is a great way to celebrate any special occasion and that’s exactly what Nekobeanxo is doing today as part of her 8 year Cammiversary.

Happy Cammiverary to Nekobeanxo! It seems to be her first time watching the Star Wars franchise and she has already made her way through the prequels, which means it’s time for the big one. The one that started it all: A New Hope. Luke is flying around the Death Star with the rest of the rebels at the climax of the movie and all these vibrating toys make watching the sequence even more exciting and fun than usual.

It’s hardly a spoiler to say that Luke’s mission is a great success and the same can be said for Nekobeanxo’s wonderful Cammiversary party.

Nekobeanxo Celebrates Her 8 Year Cammiversary With Some Classic Star Wars

Nekobeanxo Celebrates Her 8 Year Cammiversary With Some Classic Star Wars

Nekobeanxo Celebrates Her 8 Year Cammiversary With Some Classic Star Wars

Nekobeanxo writes:

Mom of Piper, Tiny, Azazel & Chickn


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