SeraphxFlonne Takes On Gulp In Spyro 2


Being a dragon sounds like a lot of fun to me and that’s exactly what the Spyro series lets players become. Today it’s SeraphxFlonne’s turn to flap her wings and go on an adventure as Spyro the Dragon.

This is already the second adventure and it looks like she has found herself in the middle of a boss fight. Gulp is his name and he looks big, scary and ready to shoot fireballs at anyone that stands in his way. Thankfully there are plenty of bombs scattered around the ground that can be thrown at Gulp.

A few good attempts and Gulp goes down as SeraphxFlonne celebrates her victory with a very cute smile. Now the adventure may continue and there’s still lots more to explore.

SeraphxFlonne Takes On Gulp In Spyro 2

SeraphxFlonne Takes On Gulp In Spyro 2

SeraphxFlonne Takes On Gulp In Spyro 2

SeraphxFlonne writes:

Just a broke hungry girl, give me spoils to make me smile


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