Who doesn’t love hot, robot bitches?


robot babes edi mass effectSexy Fandom’s own Raygun Robyn has been writing about essential dark fashions over at the newly launched Gothic.org goth fashion site. We thought SF readers might especially enjoy her recent article on Mass Effect EDI cosplay.

Who doesn’t love hot, robot bitches? No one. That’s who. EDI from Mass Effect has to be one of the sexiest mechanized chicks in recent history. I mean, she’s super space alloy metal, classic bob haircut and a butt that they love to show in cut scenes.

It would be pretty easy to cosplay EDI. All you’d need is a silver jumpsuit, silver/grey wig and an orange visor thingy. Super easy! You’d have to not have a problem being pretty much naked in public tho. I’ve put together a handy Pinterest board for those of you who need some reference pics. You are welcome.


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