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Game of Thrones Winds of Winter Episode 60

Game of Thrones: Winds of Winter

Bitches rule. The matriarchy is having a good run in the Seven Kingdoms and across the Narrow Sea. So the season finale of the sixth season of HBO’s Game of...

Game of Thrones Oathbreaker Pics

Game of Thrones 63 Oathbreaker or Lord Snow’s Pecker

HBO has lead us to expect Game of Thrones to be sexy show. So this episode kicks off with Jon Snow noticing that he is a very fit zombie. Let’s take a moment to...

Game of Thrones 43 – A Little Sparrow Told Me

Welcome to this week’s episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Or, you know, several weeks ago’s episode, depending on your willpower and/or morals. We open...

Game of Thrones – First of His Name

After last week’s What the Fuckitude, I’m going to really, really try not to get hung up on the books versus the show and the order of things and whether or...


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