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Tag: Claudia marie, claudiamarie, cosplay, Cosplayer, costume, halloween, hot, princess leia, sexy, slave leia, special, star wars, starwars, surprise, treat
Cosplayer Claudia Marie Gives A Special Halloween Treat
This Halloween holds lots of naughty treats, and Claudia Marie did a free bonus live show for her members yesterday. Claudia Marie brings you the tastiest treat of of...
Special Tactics guns one out
This Cosplay-Mate shoot involves the Grim Reaper model and a set of boots to match a thigh holster and gun. I am a boots/tattoo person. I think men get ripped off in the...
School isn’t out for summer
Usually, I loved school breaks. The summer was a great and magical time of no responsibility besides building a house and the pre-child labor laws work ethic. I might...
New Firefly TV Special
InsideTV is reporting that Firefly will be getting an hour long special for it’s ten year anniversary. Which is not to say that we’re getting a new story....