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Cristin_blue And The Loveliness Of Her Rory Mercury Cosplay

The sleeplessness brings a sense of adventure that’s rewarded by Cristin_blue, a gorgeous cosplayer that never ceases to impress, and who today is guiding me to...

Cristin_blue Walks Through The Gate As Rory Mercury

Cristin_blue Walks Through The Gate As Rory Mercury

Gate: Thus the Japanese Self-Defense Force Fought in Their Land! Now that title is quite the mouthful, but it does sum up the entire franchise nicely as a gate from...

Cristin_blue Passes Through The Gate As Rory Mercury

Cristin_blue Passes Through The Gate As Rory Mercury

It’s good to have a demigoddess on your side when exploring a strange new world. That’s the story of „Gate – Thus the JDSF Fought There!“ and today that...

Cristin_blue Serves The God Of Darkness As Rory Mercury

Cristin_blue Serves The God Of Darkness As Rory Mercury

„Gate: Thus the Japanese Self-Defense Force Fought in Their Land“ might be quite the mouthful as a title, but it’s a fascinating franchise full of interesting...

Cristin_blue Becomes The Stylish Rory Mercury

Cristin_blue Becomes The Stylish Rory Mercury

„Gate – Thus the JSDF Fought There!“ might seem like quite the mouthful at first, but it’s a great hint as to just how complex and intriguing this beloved...

Cristinablue Stuns As Rory Mercury

Cristinablue Stuns As Rory Mercury

If getting into a whole new world is the name of the game, then Cristinablue should be declared a winner. I always appreciate going into a room and seeing the whole...

Cristinablue Brings Out Her Inner Rory Mercury

Cristinablue Brings Out Her Inner Rory Mercury

On a scale of 1 to some pretty fun cosplays, Cristinablue wins the cake. Takes the cake. Eats the cake. She always makes sure to bring a special charm to each one she...

Meet Demigoddess Rory Mercury AKA CristinaBlue

Meet Demigoddess Rory Mercury AKA CristinaBlue

Cristinablue always has some pretty fun cosplays. While she’s done some very mainstream and pretty cool ones in the past, she also likes to put some gems out there...

Rory Mercury Cosplay by Shimo

After a while of not being able to update Taiwanese cosplayer, Shimo, has made a comeback with yet another adorable doll-like cosplay. Say hello to Rory Mercury from the...


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