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The Force Is Strong With BdayJess

The Force Is Strong With BdayJess

There is a person in this galaxy that is keeping the Star Wars franchise alive throughout the whole month of May and I have never been happier to see it. BdayJess was A...

JessWhitmore_ Begins Her Hogwarts Legacy Journey

JessWhitmore_ Begins Her Hogwarts Legacy Journey

My, my, it looks like Olivander seems to have made JessWhitmore_‘s acquaintance and what better way to kick start the journey than going around looking for new...

JessWhitmore_ Cheers Away, PomPoms Included

JessWhitmore_ Cheers Away, PomPoms Included

JessWhitmore_ does not come ill prepared when it’s time to play around with outfits, which is exactly why aside from the cheerleader uniform, she also has pompoms...

JessWhitmore_ Watches Guardians Of The Galaxy As Spider-Jess

JessWhitmore_ Watches Guardians Of The Galaxy As Spider-Jess

The Marvel movies are known for bringing together lots of different heroes and today that tradition continues in JessWhitmore_’s room. Most of her screen is taken up...

Jesswhitmore_ Watches Jason Slash… Again

Jesswhitmore_ Watches Jason Slash… Again

Whenever I see a classic horror, there’s like an instant connection there because of just how much I enjoy a good slasher film with just a sprinkle of cheese on...

Yer A Wizard, JessWhitmore_

Yer A Wizard, JessWhitmore_

The most wonderful time of the year (that being Halloween, always) also brings with it the most wondrous costumes, such as the many different spooky, fun and really cool...

JessWhitmore_ Is A Goddess Of Love And Thunder

JessWhitmore_ Is A Goddess Of Love And Thunder

Is that Immigrant Song I’m hearing, followed up by a few lightning bolts crackling in the wind, with the Goddess of Thunder making an appearance? I think I definitely...

JessWhitmore_ Transforms Into Slave Leia

JessWhitmore_ Transforms Into Slave Leia

JessWhitmore_ always knows when to bring out some seriously cool outfits for her shows, which is why I’m happy that at the dawn of October which is THE month to play...

JessWhitmore_ Makes For A Dapper Daphne

JessWhitmore_ Makes For A Dapper Daphne

There’s always that one character from Mystery Inc. that has everyone’s hearts. Some may say it’s Scooby, or the comedy relief that is Shaggy, but I think that...

JessWhitmore_ Brings Out Her D.Va's Random Knowledge

JessWhitmore_ Brings Out Her D.Va’s Random Knowledge

D.Va is known for many things – her tactics, her weapons, her ability to kick ass on a whim and somehow managing to look incredibly cute while in the midst of it....

JessWhitmore_ Is Purrfectly Cute

JessWhitmore_ Is Purrfectly Cute

Meow is the word I would use when describing JessWhitmore_ in more ways than one. Obviously, she’s a little kitten judging by the whiskers and little nose on her face,...


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