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CAMILYWEEN Is Turkin' 9 'till 12

CAMILYWEEN Is Turkin’ 9 ’till 12

I really need to stop Thanksgiving jokes, but quitting cold turkey is very difficult as many people would attest to. CAMILYWEEN seems to definitely be involved in some...

An Angel By The Name Of CAMILYWEEN Has Decided To Watch Scary Movie 2

An Angel By The Name Of CAMILYWEEN Has Decided To Watch Scary Movie 2

Angels are typically very pure things that are practically made of stardust and innocence, which begs the question as to why CAMILYWEEN would ever submit herself to...

Egyptian Goddess CAMILYWEEN Decorates Her "Tomb"

Egyptian Goddess CAMILYWEEN Decorates Her “Tomb”

There does come a time in every Pharaoh’s life when they have to think about the afterlife. That afterlife must be riddled with all kinds of riches, wonders and...

Little Red Riding CAMILYWEEN Reads Through Goosebumps HorrorLand

Little Red Riding CAMILYWEEN Reads Through Goosebumps HorrorLand

Going out into the woods seems like too perilous of a journey for one Little Red Riding CAMILYWEEN based on the experiences she’s had in the past, which is exactly...

CAMILYWEEN And Lionel Watch Young Frankenstein

CAMILYWEEN And Lionel Watch Young Frankenstein

The tradition of classic horror movies continues as the nights grow deeper and the closer Halloween comes, which is why Young Frankenstein is the perfect movie to really...

CAMILYWEEN Is Watching Friday The 13th As A Sliced Up Princess Leia

CAMILYWEEN Is Watching Friday The 13th As A Sliced Up Princess Leia

There are a lot of things going on in CAMILYWEEN‘s room as per usual, but going from Scared Citizen to Princess Leia in a matter of moments during a Friday the...

CAMILYWEEN Indulges In The Rocky Horror Picture Show

CAMILYWEEN Indulges In The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I’ve never actually seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I know how much of a classic it is, so what better way to experience the movie than with CAMILYWEEN and her...


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