Category: Web Sites

Redheads Submit in Water Dungeon

Gothic dungeon with old-fashioned claw foot bathtub is where this latex-clad mistress takes her two beautiful redhead slaves to make them come. This is one hell of a set...

Gay Superheroes of Eastern Europe

Okay, Fleshbot linked this site a little while ago and I still haven’t decyphered it as I don’t read any Eastern Bloc languages. Nonetheless, I thought...

Play Magazine Girls of Gaming Issue 1: Bloodrayne Cover

Direct 2 Drive is IGN’s entry into the gamer digital distribution marketplace. IGN is the parent company of such sites as Rotten Tomatoes and Cheats Codes Guides....

Miss Conduct Fire Hair & Firearm

If you like redheads with guns as much as I do, you probably want to see this.

Crimson Ninja vs. Vendetta Redux

In case you were wondering who would win in a fight between Vendetta and the Crimson Ninja, here is a gallery of sample video clips which kind of give the ending away....

Ultimate Surrender with Crimson Ninja & Vendetta

This spring Ultimate Surrender went over to a weekly update schedule and is now well worth the price of admission. Well worth it assuming you spent your teen years...

Stephanie Slaughter Vamps on Barely Evil

Speaking of Bloodrayne, check out this erotic vampire photo set, shot by Blue Blood’s Amelia G and Forrest Black and featuring very hot deathrock babe Stephanie...

Blue Blood Mary Jane Appears with Guinevere Turner

The Bettie Page style beauty pictured with Guinevere Turner in the On Our Backs issue I talked about a couple days ago turns out to be none other than Blue Blood hottie...

What is the deai-kei industry?

Deai kei translates literally to English as matchmaking. The deai-kei industry, however, is a lot like William Gibson’s Idoru novel. In Idoru, a rockstar falls in...

Knives Are Sexy

Battle Orders Ltd is a company which specializes in some of the things a modern girl just can’t be without. If you need a limited edition LOTR blade based on what...

Vader Gets The Talk

Continuing this week’s theme of Sith Lord-inspired absurdity: The King teaches Darth Vader about the birds and the bees.

Adding More Syndication to Sexy Fandom

Okay, I’ve added Bloglines now. Any other feed aggregators you faithful readers would like me to support?


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