Category: Web Sites

What is The Brotherhood?

According to their site: We were the kids that lived down the street that at the age of 8 were putting on haunted houses for our friends. We were the ones that started...

Blue Blood and The Brotherhood Do Comic Con

Blue Blood is going to have a few flyers for my little site in booth 433 at the Comic Con. The booth is sponsored by The Brotherhood. Here is gallery number one of the...

Mad Scientist Equipment

If you are going to build the perfect Frankenstein-style woman from cloned cells and spare parts, Biotech Hobbyist magazine recommends the Scientific Surplus site. I...

What to do with your living skin?

Biotech Hobbyist magazine already offers online instructions for growing human skin, but now they are gearing up to help you figure out what to do with your vat of...

When do you know you are rich?

I have heard that you don’t count as rich until you own your own jet. Well real estate tycoon Robert Bigelow is raising the bar. He has committed five hundred...

Padme Amidala Gets Naked for Francisco Goya

A forthcoming movie called Goya’s Ghosts chronicles the life and times and painter Francisco Goya. It particularly focuses on a muse of his, played by Natalie...

Classic Science Fiction Novels

Fun Trivia has a section devoted to science fiction fen. The first quiz is on Classic Science Fiction Novels and I just want you all to know that I got 25 out of 25...

Lucasfilm announces “Adult” Star Wars Novel Line

Today Lucasfilm announced the licensing of a new line of “Adult” Star Wars novels. “While the movies were still an ongoing project, it was important to...

Hotheaded Naked Ice Borers Do Anything for a Dollar

The Museum of Hoaxes has a listing of the top 100 April Fools Day pranks. Included are the BBC convincing people that spaghetti grows on trees in Switzerland or Discover...

Science Fiction Channel Acquires Sexy Fandom

Once the sale of Sexy Fandom to the Science Fiction Channel goes through, I’ll be doing a lot more coverage of stuff like what I’d like to put through a...

10 Lies Pornographers Tell

Sam Sugar, of Sugar Bank and related fame, is a very funny man. His post yesterday on 10 Lies Pornographers Tell had me in stitches. I was particularly amused by...

Artsy Tattoos

How very pleasant to be finishing up the week here with news of Fatal Beauties, featuring some nice artsy photos of some very cute tattooed girls. (via SpookyBlog)


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