Category: IRL
Batgirl Cosplay
Thank Jeebus for a Batgirl cosplay who actually looks like a bad ass. Alexia Jean Grey has put together a costume that I think we can all get behind. Saucy corset,...
ParaNorman Promotional Coffin
I love movie props. From Lemarchand’s Box to the Necronomicon from Army of Darkness to any number of weapons and rayguns, I love em all! So when Gothic.Net posted...
Jeff de Boer Space Artwork or You Can’t Ever Go Wrong with a Jetpack
The artwork of Jeff de Boer is all about objects. I admire an artist that is so gifted and driven to create one-of-a-kind pieces with extreme craftsmanship. His gallery...
Abused Piratz Avenge Honor with Firearms and Fire
Yesterday Amelia G from Blue Blood posted a poignant article called About Piratz Tavern or Jon Taffer of Bar Rescue on Spike is a Bigot. She talks about a show on Spike...
Star Trek Latex Wear
Poison Candy Latex is planning on releasing their new Star Trek line at Montreal Comic Con in September. It looks like their official site is still under construction...
Yaya Han 2013 Costume Calendar
Epic cosplayer Yaya Han has released a calendar for 2013 featuring some of her best costumes. Now available for preorder (or purchase at one of the numerous cons...
Limited Edition James Bond Prints
Illustrator Michael Gillette redesigned all of Penguin’s James Bond book covers to celebrate Ian Flemings’ centenary birth back in 2008. Now these beautiful...
Umbreon Wedges
Joco Shoes, a company from the Phillipines, has just released their first shoe in the Pokemon Series. I’m not sure how many other shoes they will be releasing but...
Playboy Bunny Avengers
Okay, this is hot. Not a lot of info on this shot but these are some awesome ladies cosplaying as the Avengers, as Playboy Bunnies. Is that possible!?! But here’s...
Tails You’re It
In the interminable words of Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott, go, get ur freak on… with these crazy cosplay(?) tails from Kigu! Kigu also makes those...
Science is Sexy
Are you all caught up on Breaking Bad? No?! Get thee to Netflix, heathen! What about now? Good, then let’s continue. Breaking Bad may be the best television show...
Nerdy Bras for The Ladies
Etsy user SceeneShoes is a genius. She hand paints bras that surely appeal to nerd girls and awesome ladies everywhere. The funniest are the console controller bras and...