Vaiolet1314 Is In A Gamer League Of Her Own
And that is a pun intended indeed. There is a lot when it comes to League of Legends from the characters, to the items, to the lore that nobody pays attention to but...
Yarrow Explodes Christmas Elves For Skullface Santa
I saw it! I saw all of it! Murderer! Yarrow will be at fault for little children not receiving their gifts this year for the very sole reason of homicide by Santa Claus...
LilKittenLuna Experiences The Wonders Of Troll 2
I have to say that I have yet to see a couple of the movies that LilKittenLuna has been watching lately, but it is excellent seeing some classic terrible 90s movies that...
Cosplay Erotica’s Ginger Enters Hellheim As Senua
Hellheim is a very dark, cold and twisted place filled with plenty of dark, cold and twisted characters, but there is one brave warrior by the name of Senua who just...
Yarrow Takes A Risk Or… Many
It’s the holidays which means it’s very appropriate to sit down and have a merry few arguments with everyone because of board games that are classic but somehow...