While we are all getting amped up for the Bazowie! Awards livestream, I thought I’d just highlight a few categories. If you like your sex dark and creepy, there were a lot of toys right up your alley this past year. The stuff of delicious nightmares. Dear readers, we hope you will join us this Saturday evening at 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern on March 22nd for the Bazowie Awards livestream red carpet and ceremony. Meanwhile, the Bazowie Awards 2025 nominees for Best Horror Themed Toy are:
Chaos Beast from Wandering Bard
Carpenter from Sexmares Toys
Draku Palm Grinder from Odyssey Toys
Harpy Bust from Wandering Bard Toys
Imago from Xenocat Artifact
Kohana from Nothosaur
Oni Grinder from Uncover Creation
Plugthulu from Lust Demonics
Reggie the Mothman from Bad Dragon
The Moon from All Night Toys
The Skeleton Tower from Sinloli / Wildolo
Trolldragon from Bad Dragon
Xarath: Lord of the Bones by Odyssey Toys from Odyssey Toys
Zombie Chai from Colorful Cook