_Marcelline_ has become a true Gungeoneer today as she blasts her way through some procedural generated rooms, gathering as many unique looking guns as possible.
All of that is happening inside of Enter The Gungeon and what makes her gameplay stream even better is the fact that she’s dressed up for it. What character knows all about wielding guns and shooting her way through every situation? D.Va from Overwatch of course. She looks so adorable while wearing her outfit and there’s even some extra face paint adding detail to her cheeks.
With D.Va’s powers I think _Marcelline_ will be able to make it very far in the game. She’s already demonstrated some excellent gameplay skills and I can see her getting the right upgrades to make sure nothing stands in her way.
Real Name: Ramona
Followers: 9197
I Am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men
Location: Estonia
Last Broadcast: 1 hour ago
Body Type: Medium, slim
Smoke / Drink: no
Body Decorations: no