Lovely Goth Queen MoonConjured Wants A Castle


MoonConjured invites us on an adventure in the night, and how could we refuse such an invitation when she’s playing V Rising, a game that recently left early access on Steam.

In her gameplay, MoonConjured mentions that she has always wanted a winter castle, and she decides to build one with her freshly created vampire, which is a challenge, because enemies are stronger in her area of choice, and she needs to gather resources first and have her vampire in fighting shape for the dangers ahead.

That’s the interesting part of the game, that and seeing the lovely MoonConjured playing it, guiding us through her actions and looking gorgeous while doing so, with her black top and matching choker and a hint of fishnets that show in the lower part of the screen, right next to her name.

What a delightful adventure with this beautiful goth queen!

MoonConjured Writes:

Petite Metis Goth Beauty With a Big Booty (say that 5 times)


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