Nikki_Haze Definitely Killed Roger Rabbit


I suppose speculating isn’t a great thing and I shouldn’t make a mockery out of the murder of one Roger Rabbit, but when Jessica Rabbit is behind it, I can make an exception. Especially Nikki_Haze‘s version.

Halloween is just the peak of my month (and well, year) so to see the wonderful efforts she went into creating this gorgeous figure I can appreciate very much so. The red dress is uttely fantastic on her, and together with the violet gloves, they spell violent means to an end, maybe.

Nikki_Haze‘s Jessica is out of this world!

Nikki_Haze Definitely Killed Roger Rabbit

Nikki_Haze Definitely Killed Roger Rabbit

Nikki_Haze Definitely Killed Roger Rabbit

Nikki_Haze writes:

Im Nikki Ive been on MFC about 4 years now and Im the happiest I have ever been in my entire life! I love the outdoors and also love to travel when I can. I have two fur babies that I get to enjoy being home with during the days. Most of all I enjoy spending my time online during the nights with you all. As far as room rules I just ask that everyone is respectful to each other and to me as well and you will receive the same respect.


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