Charming Gamer PrincessBluu Resists The Horrors


This is one of those shows that takes me back down memory lane to the days when I would wake up early in the morning with no other plan than to play games to experience the immersion, the adventure, and the way that they allow us to experience things we wouldn’t otherwise know.

There’s another thing that this show reminds me of, and that is the first horror movie I ever saw. Well, It was not really a horror movie. It was Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and the scene where zombies rise from the grave terrified me at the time, but it also filled me with curiosity. I wanted to see more.

When PrincessBluu plays Dead By Daylight, and she joins up with other players to escape the horrible monster that’s after them, I can’t help but remember the thrilling sensation of watching a main character running away from a monster with nothing but their wits and agility. She plays the teamwork game well and takes hits so their teammates can get away from the monster, and later gets rescued so that most, if not all of them can get away scot-free.

It is a thrilling experience to watch, as I do get the feeling I’m watching a horror movie where everything concluded as I wished it would, and while it is not really a happy ending, since PrincessBluu and her squad then have to face off another monster, I am eager to see how they manage it this time, and the fact that we can see PrincessBluu at all times wearing her blue hoodie, commenting on the game and looking gorgeous, helps bring a soothing touch when things get too intense in their battle against the horrifying creature.

PrincessBluu Writes:

I like making new friends and having good times


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