A Very Fun Game Of Quiplash With LadyStarr


This is my first time to take a look at one of LadyStarr’s shows and I have most definitely been missing out, because I love her bubbly energy and the sense of fun that carries the entire show forward.

Her room looks so cool and colorful with various posters and toys everywhere. Adding even more fun to the show is a game of Quiplash, which everyone is free to join in on. The game is all about coming up with quips and picking the best one, which creates some incredibly hilarious moments as everyone does their best to come up with some dirty puns.

A game of Quiplash also means lots of in-jokes, but there’s a good way to learn what they all mean: by continuing to visit LadyStarr’s room and checking out even more of her awesome shows!

A Very Fun Game Of Quiplash With LadyStarr

A Very Fun Game Of Quiplash With LadyStarr

A Very Fun Game Of Quiplash With LadyStarr

LadyStarr writes:

Welcome to my page, SKYLAR is my name!
…but you can call me SKY, or STARR or… BFF, food fanatic, fruit mom, nerd potato, coffeeholic… THE QUEEN TROLL >:D
I would first like to thank you for taking time to check out my page<3 Hopefully you stick around the room for awhile and maybe even join in on the chit chat! We are a nerdy little bunch but definitely know how to kill some time.


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