From Being Shanked By An Impostor And Spanking Lionel To Reading LOTR, It’s KristieBish


KristieBish is a woman of many talents, but what I do appreciate is the Swiftness with which she manages to flip through the various activities during her show. Maybe it’s the sweater that’s giving her the powers, or maybe she’s born with it.

I arrived during an Among Us playthrough which was a fun activity to witness, but it wasn’t long before poor Lionel got to experience the Impostor shaking in the form of.. spanking? Which he seemed to like, kind of, but not really, but yes? But my favorite part as always is what initially drew me to KristieBish‘s shows – reading time and all the glory it brings during her shows.

Nobody can go wrong with a Howard Shore soundtrack during any time of the day, but I do like the extra attention to detail from KristieBish!

From Being Shanked By An Impostor And Spanking Lionel To Reading LOTR, It’s KristieBish

From Being Shanked By An Impostor And Spanking Lionel To Reading LOTR, It’s KristieBish

From Being Shanked By An Impostor And Spanking Lionel To Reading LOTR, It’s KristieBish

From Being Shanked By An Impostor And Spanking Lionel To Reading LOTR, It’s KristieBish

KristieBish writes:

All we wanna do is make you smile!


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