Nekobeanxo Plays Fall Guys


I’ve actually not been following the newest seasons of Fall Guys so I have no clue about any new levels or anything of the sort, but I’m glad Nekobeanxo is playing it to refresh my memory of the pure hellscape that this game can be.

Right upon opening, the three giant rhino constructions are already wrecking havoc on everyone on the field and no amount of bouncy platforms can save anybody. I do like how invested she is with her audience to the point that she is barely paying attention to the levels starting and still going quite deep into the game, it’s actually an impressive feat.

Alas, the torturous levels do not end here, but continue with many new trials and tribulations that Nekobeanxo has to face going forward and make sure that her Guys do not in fact, Fall anytime soon.

Nekobeanxo Plays Fall Guys

Nekobeanxo Plays Fall Guys

Nekobeanxo Plays Fall Guys

Nekobeanxo writes:

Mom of Piper, Tiny, Azazel & Chickn


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