Khaleesi420 Solves The Mystery Of Immortality


FMV games went out of fashion after the 90s, but thankfully they are once again gaining popularity. That means games like Immortality get to come out and show what the genre can really do. Today Khaleesi420 is the one in control and it looks like she is ready to solve the mystery of Immortality.

Marissa Marcel is a fictional actor, who has gone missing in the game. Now it’s up to the player to piece together various puzzles and go through film footage to figure out what happened. All the scenes in the game are mysterious, fun and engaging – just like the actual show as everyone in the chat plays along in trying to solve this mystery.

I’m sure Khaleesi420 will get all the clues she needs to figure everything out and I’m here to see exactly how this all ends.

Khaleesi420 Solves The Mystery Of Immortality

Khaleesi420 Solves The Mystery Of Immortality

Khaleesi420 Solves The Mystery Of Immortality

Khaleesi420 writes:

Hi! I’m Leesi.
Let’s be friends.

I love MFC and all the awesome people I’ve met.
I like to hang out and chill but also have a little fun sometimes.
Feel free to ask about a request if you have one.



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