JessWhitmore_ Watches Guardians Of The Galaxy As Spider-Jess


The Marvel movies are known for bringing together lots of different heroes and today that tradition continues in JessWhitmore_’s room.

Most of her screen is taken up by today’s movie, which happens to be showing the Guardians Of The Galaxy. Things are getting quite heated thanks to a massive space battle taking place close to the end of the movie. Of course the cutie herself has dressed up for this special movie night by turning herself into Spider-Jess.

The outfit is taking inspiration from Spider-Gwen to turn JessWhitmore_ into an entirely new hero. Just one look at this outfit and I’m convinced she is the perfect addition into the MCU. Add in the actual MCU movie and you have one fantastically fun show ready to be tuned in to!

JessWhitmore_ Watches Guardians Of The Galaxy As Spider-Jess

JessWhitmore_ Watches Guardians Of The Galaxy As Spider-Jess

JessWhitmore_ Watches Guardians Of The Galaxy As Spider-Jess

JessWhitmore_ writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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