CAMILYWEEN Is Turkin’ 9 ’till 12


I really need to stop Thanksgiving jokes, but quitting cold turkey is very difficult as many people would attest to. CAMILYWEEN seems to definitely be involved in some fowl play.

She is either a turkey, coming out of the inside of a turkey’s butthole or just wearing a turkey on her head and to be fair, all of those choices make her turkey trot like it’s hot. With the season of giving approaching, there’s nothing more fun than winging it and she is even organizing her third annual CamilyGiving food drive to get the gravy going!

Christmas may be coming up soon but there’s no good in rushing it, the worrying over the tree comes later. Today, it’s all about the poul-tree as CAMILYWEEN would attest to.

CAMILYWEEN Is Turkin' 9 'till 12

CAMILYWEEN Is Turkin' 9 'till 12

CAMILYWEEN Is Turkin' 9 'till 12


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