Lilykush Is A Fine ‘Ol Matey


Ahoy everyone, an’ ye be welcome aboard the very special show from Lilykush who just so ‘appens to ‘ave turned ‘erself into the most dangerous gentlelady o’ fortune in all the lands – comin’ fer that there gold an’ booty in one swin’.
What’s a gentlelady o’ fortune without ‘er clothes, which include a lot o’ fun tatters, fabrics an’ red that there will mark ‘er as the scariest in all the seven seas. She be really goin’ fer the full outfit, considerin’ she ‘as a ‘ole jug o’ rum next to ‘er to really immerse anyone watchin’ ‘er fickle an’ adventurous spirit.
I don’t know which direction Lilykush plans to set sail, but I be followin’ this here Cap’n wherever she decides to take the ship!

Lilykush Is A Fine ‘Ol Matey

Lilykush Is A Fine ‘Ol Matey

Lilykush Is A Fine ‘Ol Matey

Lilykush writes:

Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Weight: 120 pounds
Height: 65 inches
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Occupation/Major: Caregiver
Favorite Food: Pizza all the way lol
Pets: 7 furry alien
Automobile: Shitty… need new one lol


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