Kaylin_evans Serves Up A Cool Kitana Cosplay


FIGHT! I imagine that words being shouted by a man with a very deep voice, because that’s exactly what happens in the Mortal Kombat games. The series is known for its cool cast of characters and today it’s time to let Kitana be in in the spotlight as Kaylin_evans shows off her cosplay.

I’m blown away by how colorful her outfit looks from the very first second I step into her room. She has the face mask, the headband and the full ninja bodysuit – all looking very blue and very stylish. The main costume even shows off some sexy cleavage.

Kaylin_evans is ready to fight and I’m ready to boot up a game of Mortal Kombat. Only so I can pick Kitana and coompare how close the two versions look.

Kaylin_evans Serves Up A Cool Kitana Cosplay

Kaylin_evans Serves Up A Cool Kitana Cosplay

Kaylin_evans Serves Up A Cool Kitana Cosplay

Kaylin_evans writes:

Real Name: ♥kayli♥
Birth Date: Oct. 31, 2003
Age: 18
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: Chaturbate
Language(s): español – ingles
Body Type: slim
Smoke / Drink: NO/NO
Body Decorations: YES


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