BabyZelda’s Mileena Is Fight Ready


A dual sai-wielding assassin comes in many forms, but the most famous one has to be Mileena, the boss character that is truly bringing any cosplayer to life with just the outfit alone which is what BabyZelda is doing in today’s character special!

The purple and pink robes are wrapping around her body as the cutie makes sure to show off every bit of the outfit. I also like the addition of the face mask that’s covering her face as she begins her show and really shows off her curves with the ninja combination.

BabyZelda may just be dual wielding and I’m very much looking forward to it!

BabyZelda's Mileena Is Fight Ready

BabyZelda's Mileena Is Fight Ready

BabyZelda's Mileena Is Fight Ready

BabyZelda writes:

Name: BabyZelda
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Various
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Blue
Age: 25


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