Amber_Morgan1 Is The First Avenger


It’s not easy being one of the first Avengers and it’s definitely not easy being THE first Avenger in the form of Captain America but Amber_Morgan1 has taken that task on hand and she is really the driving froce behind all of them.

What I also appreciate is seeing her put on the full suit, but not only that, she has also added on the cap that she has on the side and the iconic shield that she has put down for the time being so that she can rest her adventures for just a moment while also being ready for action at all time.

Amber_Morgan1 can do this all day!

Amber_Morgan1 Is The First Avenger

Amber_Morgan1 Is The First Avenger

Amber_Morgan1 Is The First Avenger

Amber_Morgan1 Is The First Avenger

Amber_Morgan1 writes:

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Location: Bogota D.C., Colombia


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