Reige Takes Her Stray To Midtown


It looks like the orange meow in action has begun making his way up the ladder of various apocalyptic robot environments and find himself in the midst of Midtown, the bustling, busy city where all the robots gather to make business and seemingly, a lot of lights that are just flickering around.

Reige is close to uncovering the mystery of what has truly occurred in this post-human world, and I for one am very excited to see where she takes her four-legged friend. She’s already met a couple of dancers in a parking lot, and it remains to be seen just where she waddles her kitty around since there are quite a few mysteries to uncover in this part of town.

I’m very much enjoying Reige‘s Stray playthrough!

Reige Takes Her Stray To Midtown

Reige Takes Her Stray To Midtown

Reige Takes Her Stray To Midtown

Reige writes:

Late night degenerate owl – Tallest 5’2 girl in the world


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