JessWhitmore_ Is A Goddess Of Love And Thunder


Is that Immigrant Song I’m hearing, followed up by a few lightning bolts crackling in the wind, with the Goddess of Thunder making an appearance? I think I definitely stumbled across some godly antics because JessWhitmore_‘s Thor has made herself known to the masses.
I’m very happy to see her get the gear on because from all the Marvel superheroes, I’ve yet to see that much love be given to Thor through cosplays which is a shame considering it’s one of the funniest characters, but I appreciate the attention to detail that JessWhitmore_ is showing, from the shiny metals and the knick-knacks, to the giant red cape that bellows in the wind.
I’m not too sure what JessWhitmore_‘s Thor has in store, but it’s about to be stormy!

JessWhitmore_ Is A Goddess Of Love And Thunder

JessWhitmore_ Is A Goddess Of Love And Thunder

JessWhitmore_ Is A Goddess Of Love And Thunder

JessWhitmore_ writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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