Getting to leap around as a cat for even a day must be a whole lot of fun. That’s exactly the experience Stray offers its players and it looks like Hell_Belle is ready to go on a kittenish adventure today.
She is just starting off as the game introduces its various mechanics on the screen. From leaping over top of various obstacles to pushing down objects to create new paths – there’s always something to do in the game and some clever way to progress. She is doing a great job of figuring all of those out as her kitty leaps and jumps its way through this cyberpunk world.
There’s a whole lot still to discover in the game and I’m ready to do it with Hell_Belle the one in control. I love the way the game makes her smile and I have a smile on my face watching all of it at the same time.
Hi guys!
My name is Bella. I love making photos/videos and sharing them here
I’m also an artist and will share some of my art here
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