Yumeko_Chan’s Velma Becomes Part Of Mystery Incorporated


Whenever there’s a mystery to solve, the Scooby-Doo gang seems to always be there and right now I’m taking a look at the brightest member of their entire team – Velma as being portrayed by Yumeko_Chan.

I love the cute sweater an skirt combo that includes the classic Velma colors while still adding a bit more cuteness to the whole style. Those glasses look cute on her, too, and she has even mixed things up a bit by going with a black and white hair style that looks even more stylish than the character’s own hair from the cartoons.

The rest of the Scooby-Doo gang might not be here, but Yumeko_Chan seems to be getting plenty of help from all kinds of plush toys right behind her. Everything looks ready for a mystery solving adventure!

Yumeko_Chan's Velma Becomes Part Of Mystery Incorporated

Yumeko_Chan's Velma Becomes Part Of Mystery Incorporated

Yumeko_Chan's Velma Becomes Part Of Mystery Incorporated

Yumeko_Chan writes:

Real Name: Yume ❀
Followers: 12198
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: CyberLife
Language(s): English with translator
Body Type: AX400
Smoke / Drink: Thirium 310
Body Decorations: No


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