Cristinablue Stuns As Rory Mercury


If getting into a whole new world is the name of the game, then Cristinablue should be declared a winner. I always appreciate going into a room and seeing the whole atmosphere transform alongside the cosplay, which is why seeing this babe in her full on Attack on Titan-ready Rory Mercury cosplay makes me very happy.

Always ensuring to bring out the best of each character she’s cosplaying, the babe is as ready to jet off to the Titan world and fight them off as she is ready to show off the Flamenco-esque outfit on cam. The black on red on red makes for a really intense look, and her sly smile just adds to the entire scenario as well!

The dress may be fluffy and cute, but Cristinablue‘s Rory Mercury has a bone to pick with some Titans soon!

Cristinablue Stuns As Rory Mercury

Cristinablue Stuns As Rory Mercury

Cristinablue Stuns As Rory Mercury

Cristinablue writes:

Birth Date: Dec. 5, 1991
Age: 29
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans


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