Kioko_Sakura Looks A Class As 2B


YoRHa No.2 Type B is also known as 2B who is also known as Kioko_Sakura as far as today’s show is concerned. When it comes to the cutie, she really has those creative cosplays right off the gate and knows how to get them done just right. And no one knows Nier quite as well as she does considering she also loves playing it and she has a lot of memorabilia of it around her room.

I’m always excited to see her do a full body cosplay because she just goes all out when it comes to the characters she loves. I love the black dress on her, I love the headband and her white blonde hair that all just go together so well. Nier: Automata is one of my favorites and I’m really happy that Kioko_Sakura has decided to go for 2B tonight!

Kioko_Sakura Looks A Class As 2B


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