Cuttie_Jenny’s Jigglypuff Is Ready For The Mic


While handing the mic to an actual Jigglypuff may prove fatal for those wanting to spend their days out and about, handing the mic over to Cuttie_Jenny is a pretty good idea. She’s as entertaining as they come and I love the whole pink on pink on pink look she has going on – literally down to the braces she’s wearing.

The cutie is rocking a Jigglypuff shirt that has the meanest (but also the absolute cutest) face on it as she dances around the room to some music – and also singing. Now while the little creature puts people to sleep, Cuttie_Jenny on the other hand just puts me in a mood to have a whole dance challenge. I can’t wait to see what moves she pulls!

Cuttie_Jenny’s Jigglypuff Is Ready For The Mic

Cuttie_Jenny’s Jigglypuff Is Ready For The Mic

Cuttie_Jenny’s Jigglypuff Is Ready For The Mic

Real Name: Jenny
Followers: 3833
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Location: Colombia


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