Fighting With Style With Cosplay Erotica’s Vickie Brown


Looks like someone is flexing her victory muscles and looking like she stepped right out of an 80s workout commercial. Vickie Brown is one colorful character in this Cosplay Erotica photoshoot, that features an epic skin from Fortnite – the Aerobic Assassin. It’s one of the earlier outfits in the game but it’s no less exciting, especially with the way that this babe is posing.

The only weapon featured in this set is Vickie Brown herself, who does some fun aerobic exercises in every shot, sporting the very colorful pink, blue and purple outfit – down to the pink sunglasses and leg warmers that she is wearing as she’s exercising. Cosplay Erotica have really gone for fun and cute in this set and I’m loving every shot of it!

Fighting With Style With Cosplay Erotica’s Vickie Brown

Fighting With Style With Cosplay Erotica’s Vickie Brown

Fighting With Style With Cosplay Erotica’s Vickie Brown

Fighting With Style With Cosplay Erotica’s Vickie Brown

The Aerobic Assassin is the name of one of the epic female skin outfits for the game Fortnite Battle Royale. Outfits change the appearance of the player, but do not have any added function or benefit except for aesthetical. This outfit is the female version of Mullet Marauder.


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