Cristinablue Brings Out Her Inner Rory Mercury


On a scale of 1 to some pretty fun cosplays, Cristinablue wins the cake. Takes the cake. Eats the cake. She always makes sure to bring a special charm to each one she does and I especially love seeing her take up some character cosplays because she goes all out with them every single time. For example, this Rory Mercury cosplay that has her looking like the live action version of the character.

She’s a pretty powerful demigoddess in her whole right and has this sort of terrifying look to her but I guess that’s normal when she’s the apostile of a literal God of Darkness, War and Death. Still, Cristinablue brings a lot of cheer to the character with her huge smile. I don’t know if she plans to manifest some of her powers during the show, but I sure am excited to see her!

Cristinablue Brings Out Her Inner Rory Mercury

Cristinablue Brings Out Her Inner Rory Mercury

Real Name:Cristina
Birth Date:Dec. 5, 1991
I am:Female
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Body Type:normal
Smoke / Drink:occasional
Body Decorations:tattoos-piersings


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