Handcuffs or Maid Outfit? Why not Both?


If I was to describe the anime Ikkitousen in three words it would be: martial arts, girls, and fan service. The anime was said to be inspired from The Romance of The Three Kingdoms however it does not follow the same setting and the same timeline because the anime is set in the modern day and the main characters are students.

Chinese cosplayer named, San Dao(三刀), collaborated with photographer, Keeth Strasbourg when she cosplayed Ikkitousen’s arse-kicking girl in a maid outfit, Shinmei Ryomou. Her lithe body and her beautiful figure is quite similar to Ryomou’s. She really outdid herself by cosplaying the damaged version of the maid outfit Ryomou usually wears.

Shimei Ryomou is known to be a sadistic fighter capable of ripping off arms until they break. She is usually seen wearing a school uniform or a maid outfit. Neither clothes seem to be able to restrict her from delivering fatal blows


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