Butterfly-Hime’s Loki Avengers Cosplay


Loki gets even more fun when gender bending is thrown into the cosplay equation! Butterfly-Hime shares neither hair color nor physique with this sassy demigod, but the mischievous spark in her eyes is totally authentic to the character to the extent that she is easily recognizable as Loki, despite having few of his physical traits. Butterfly-Hime adds even more to the character with a fully forward stance and outstretched arm, showing Loki’s self-assured attitude. The setting could be potentially distracting, but it reminds me of Tony Stark’s line in Avengers likening Thor and Loki’s theatrical altercations to Shakespeare in the Park. As a result, it is more endearing to me than distracting. Fun fact: this costume made an appearance at MCM London Comic Con.


Loki, the first cosplay I made entirely from scratch. I usually buy and alter but with Loki, i drafted up patterns, test pieces, the works. Cosplay debuted at Mcm London October.


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