Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies


MelinaShakur is cosplaying Annabelle from The Conjuring universe. She did the Annabelle makeup herself. She says she likes all the Conjuring movies and also all the classic horror franchises with Jason and Freddy and Michael Myers because they remind her of childhood. I also like the movies where they come up with something iconic that people can just recognize, where almost everybody ends up know the character. She recommends the movie Wrong Turn and some of the people in the chat and I agree that Pet Sematary was sad and that Evil Dead is awesome and the Evil Dead movie is better than the Evil Dead TV show and the American Psycho book is better than the American Psycho movie. MelinaShakur just gave a list of scary things and asked which scares us each the most. She says paranormal activity creeps her out and possessed people was my pick. It is free to set up a profile tonight to come talk favorite horror movies with us.

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Annabelle MelinaShakur Talks Favorite Horror Movies

Username: MelinaShakur
Occupation/Major: Alternative Model, Cosplayer, Artist, Architect
School: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Favorite Food: Fries and lots of veggies
About Me: Even though I’m a horror lover I can get really scared when is all dark, I’m not very social in real life, I never go party or meetings. Most 100% of the time I spend it alone at home, I love animals and I think a lot about philosophical and existencial stuff.
Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Living and enjoying one day at a time, not purchasing any big goal or dream cause you end up being slave of them. Just doing your best at what you really love to do and never taking anything serious, even life by itself.
Five Things I Can’t Live Without: Veggies and fruits. Water. Animals. Art and history. Music.
Favorite Books: Self Help and Philosophy books.
What I Like To Do For Fun: Watch horror or conspiracy tv shows/movies, chat with people I have fun with and making new friends all over the world.
Favorite Songs: Hip Hop, Rap, Electronic, EDM, Electro Pos
Favorite Movies: Scarface, The Godfather and any horror movie (yes, I’am a horror lover)
Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Done: Get tattoos of my ex boyfriends, making photos naked on public spaces.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: I would go outta space and talk to the creator.
Hobbies: Art, Photography, Videos, Cosplay, Tattoos, Travels, Altruism and Charity
Talents: Drawing, Modelling, photo and video edition, Creating Communities
Perfect Mate: A kind, good hearted and funny person.
Perfect Date: Watch a horror movie while eating some sweet snacks or chocolates.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: You will never get bored spending time with me.


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