Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia was original released by Trigger for Anima Mirai 2013, which is a Young Animator Training Project — an annual project launched in 2010, and funded by the Japanese government’s Agency for Cultural Affairs in order to support training animators. As we all know, the government of Japan and its people are very much supportive with their anime.

It started as a short film and was released in theaters on March 2, 2013 then was later streamed with English subtitles on YouTube from April 19, 2013. After two years, a second installment was released with the title Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade which was released on October 9, 2015.

For everyone who loved it, heard about it or yet to hear about it — there is a good news!

Its official website confirmed the plans for a TV anime, and Trigger’s Masahiko Otsuka mentioned that Yoh Yoshinari will be back as the director for a series of 30-minute episodes. Surely everyone will enjoy the series version!

As a quick background, the story of Little Witch Academia is about Akko Kagari who enrolled at a school for young witches Luna Nova Magical Academy after she was inspired at a young age by a witch named Shiny Chariot.

Trigger is yet to announce the exact release date but it is already confirmed that they will have a series!


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