Hilarious Groundskeeper Willy Simpsons Cosplay byStiffkick80


Besides Homer and Bart, Groundskeeper Willie is the funniest character on The Simpsons. Here he shows up as Stiffkick80 in a costume destined for Long Beach Comic Expo and, by proxy, greatness. The yellow gloves are a resourceful way to recreate The Simpsons characters’ signature lemon glow. I’d just love to know where that mask was purchased. The cluttered background could quite plausibly pass as Willie’s domicile, and the fist-in-air pose shows Willie’s temper, which is just as bad as his hair indicates. The Willie head isn’t out of proportion with Stiffkick80’s body, either, which causes it to blend in remarkably. Not an easy thing to pull off.


Final test run of my Groundskeeper Willy cosplay for Long Beach Comic Expo this weekend. Ach!


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