QuinnGray Is Jason Voorhees And She’s Coming To Get You


It may not be Friday but it’s certainly time we get back to our exciting fiend, Friday the 13th and the even more lovely QuinnGray as she does a little switcheroo this time around and takes on some scared teenagers in the woods. That’s right she’s the one doing the hunting as the one and only Jason Voorhees and I’m quite excited to see where she goes with him. They better come up with a plan and quick cause she’s out for some blood and knows all the best hiding spots to find those campers.

You better watch out, you better go cry. You better not pout and really go hide cause QuinnGray is coming to slash! Maybe join in the fun, she may go easy on you that way.

QuinnGray Is Jason Voorhees And She's Coming To Get You

QuinnGray Is Jason Voorhees And She's Coming To Get You

Singer | Makeup Chick | Cat Lover #cornbreadfed


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