Gotham’s Criminals Beware, Your_Batwoman Is Here


Your_Batwoman is her name and busting villains in Gotham city is her game! This adorable cosplayer may have Batwoman in her name, but she is actually wearing a Batman costume. Most of it, anyways. A black bikini combo has replaced the famous suit, which seems to have been left in the closet for the day. Who needs it when you have two of the most important elements? Firstly, the long, flowing cape that gives this character the nickname of The Caped Crusader. Secondly, the actual bat-themed cowl, which sends shivers down the spine of any rogue scheming in Gotham. These are all the cutie needs to pull off an impressive look that does justice to The Dark Knight.

There are plenty of criminals waiting to be captured and Your_Batwoman is just the hero to do it!

Gotham's Criminals Beware, Your_Batwoman Is Here

Gotham's Criminals Beware, Your_Batwoman Is Here

Gotham's Criminals Beware, Your_Batwoman Is Here

Real Name:Bat Woman
Birthday: Oct. 24, 1999
Age: 20
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Last Broadcast:1 hour ago
Language(s):English, Russian


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