Witness Senrii’s Adorable Eevee Cosplay


The cutest Pokemon ever probably goes to Eevee which is exactly why nobody other than Senrii should cosplay as one! Always bubbly, always adorable and with the sweetest voice telling you the most fun of things, she’s absolutely spot on this time as she gets puts on this little cutie and ready for action. This little kitten and fox like mix of a creature has got brown all over and she has replicated it fully with the brown dress with a belt at the middle with some beige fur on the top bits to emulate the fluffiness of Eeeve in total.

Of course, the main focus goes to the big ears that are protruding from her head and basically flapping about with her giggles and bubbliness. Senrii‘s Eevee is absolutely adorable!

Witness Senrii's Adorable Eevee Cosplay

Witness Senrii's Adorable Eevee Cosplay

Witness Senrii's Adorable Eevee Cosplay

NSFW model – Cosplayer – Art Stuff – http://Instagram.com/snugglecosplay


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