It’s Showtime With Poison_Girl


Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Say his name three times and he appears, this time taking on the form of the beautiful Poison_Girl. She has truly gone all out to bring the famous miscreant to life. The white facepaint, the dark purple eyeshadow and greem smudging around the mouth perfectly recreate Betelgeuse’s “dirty” look in a clean and effective manner. Who could forget that hypnotic black and white suit the character is most often seen in? Now turned into a gorgeous dress that is just a tiny bit more revealing than usual. We can even see a bit of purple fabric around her neck and a small green tie hanging down above her cleavage for added detail and color.

She is the ghost with the most and it’s showtime over at Poison_Girl‘s haunted house so why don’t you go and say hello?

It's Showtime With Poison_Girl

It's Showtime With Poison_Girl

It's Showtime With Poison_Girl

Spooky girl in a spooky world


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